
On the website of Haagse stambomen you will find the genealogy of the families Beretta and Kamps. On Haagse stambomen you will find the familytree of the Beretta family, sometimes called Baretta or Beretta Piccoli and the family tree of the Kamps family under Genealogies in the main menu. Under Meer over de families in the main menu you can read about the origin of the Beretta family. You can also read where the Kamps family originally comes from. In the future short stories will be written about typical persons of both families. You can find my publications in the future under Downloaden. But please note that this part of the website is only accessible via a password. Only family members can request this password.

In berichten on Home page, I shall indicate when I have added new information to this website.

I am very grateful to the Haags Gemeentearchief and the Gelders Archief where I have been able to find a lot of background information about both families. I am also very grateful to the Archivio Storico della Città di Lugano and the Archivio Diocesano Lugano for making information available regarding the Genealogy of the Beretta family.


Do you have any additions or corrections to the genealogies? Or do you have other questions or comments? I would like to be informed about that. Leave a message in the section berichten.


You may use information from this website. I would appreciate if you mention my name and website as a source.